(503) 492-7663
901 SE Mount Hood Hwy, Gresham, OR 97080
(503) 492-7663

4 Popular Siding Profiles to Check Out

Profile is a key design element of building materials: structural steel beams have an “I”-shaped profile, while gutters can either have a half-round or a K-style profile. Siding is no different — the right siding profile can make the difference between a plain-looking exterior and one that stands out. In today’s post, local siding and roofing company Gresham Roofing and Construction takes a look at the most popular siding profiles that you should check out.

Siding Profiles
  1. Lap siding. Traditional lap siding can be considered as the most popular style. The partially overlapping boards add a dimensional look that adds a shadow at the bottom of every board. They also create a slope that lets water flow straight down instead of seeping back up and into the framing. Lap siding is relatively easy to repair, since individual boards can be removed and replaced without affecting other areas.
  1. Dutch lap. The Dutch lap looks similar to traditional lap siding, but with a key difference. Each board has a groove cut at the top that allows the board above it to slot in, creating a flatter look that doesn’t sacrifice the shadow line created by the overlapping parts.
  1. Board and batten. Vertical siding enforces the illusion of height, and is ideal for single-story homes. Among the various kinds of vertical siding, board and batten is the most popular. This siding style consists of standard boards alternating with batten, or slim boards. The latter protects the gaps between the wider boards while adding a raised look to the exterior.
  1. Shakes. Wood shakes are used as siding and roofing, and is one of the oldest types of siding that’s still in use — in fact, most of today’s laminate asphalt shingle roofing are made to resemble wood shakes. It’s the ideal siding profile for homes that are based on rustic home styles. For siding, one can choose shakes made of treated wood or composite, each with its own pros and cons.

Find out more about these and other siding profiles, as well as our other services, by calling Gresham Roofing and Construction at (503) 492-7663. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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